Elli Gibbs

Freddy And Jason:  Introduction
Freddy And Jason: Introduction by @Biscuits (Elli Gibbs)

A comic that has 8-ish pages completed (9 if you count this one) that I started when Freddy Vs. Jason hit the theaters. 'What would happen if the two were roommates?' I asked myself. Then I said, 'Self, let's find out'. Only one part of a planned many-part comic has been completed, but you'll probably never see it. It's the story Freddy references in the 7th panel with the beer, bathing and M.A.S.H. (I think M.A.S.H. is fine, by the way). I thought it was funny, but I really don't wanna ink it. If I ever get motivated, though, I'll put it up.

Anyway, enjoy this small slice of idiocy. I did. o_O

Teen (L)
19y350d ago
Other Work By @Biscuits

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 08 August, 2004 @ 10:49 PM

I can't tell what they're saying. ?_? try typing the words in your discription.

looks good other than the fact that you over detailed the columns so its a bit overbearing on the eyes.

[not trying to be a bi+ch]




Posted: Sunday, 22 August, 2004 @ 02:05 AM

Oh, this is just adorable. Very detailed in the clothing and that, great expressions. You gave them very loveable, if not magnified personalities. Jason, especially.

I can read the words just fine... You just have to squint a bit.

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