Liz Ramirez

Letter To My Future Self
Letter To My Future Self by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

Song: Letter From The Lost Days Silent Hill 3 Konami


Letter to my future self Am i still happy? i began Have i grown up pretty? Is daddy still a good man? Am i still friends with coleen I'm sure that i'm still laughing aren't i? aren't i?

Hey there, to my future self, If you forget how to smile I have this to tell you, Remember it once in a while Ten years ago your past self Prayed for your happiness Please don't lose hope

Oh, Oh what a pair me and you Put here, to feel joy, Not be blue Sad times, and bad times, see them through Soon we will know, if it's for real what we both feel

Though I can't know for sure how things worked out for us, No matter how hard it gets, you have to realize: We weren't put on this earth to suffer and cry We were made for being happy - So... be happy... for me ... for you... Please...

Oh, Oh what a pair me and you Put here, to feel joy, Not be blue Sadder times, and bad times, see them through Soon we will know, if it's for real what we both feel

We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy. We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy. We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy.

There’s a memory the young Princess keeps close to her heart. A memory she calls upon after the nights work is done with him. She remembers a time when things were simple and there was no Robotnik, no Snively, and no Dark One. She remembers sitting alone, writing a letter she was directed to write by her mentor. The letter was to herself, and in ten years time she would read it again and remember all the prayers and well wishes.

She remembers what she wrote, it was so different from any of the others. Sonic had wished he’d have chili dogs everyday, and that he would be the fastest thing on Mobius. Antoine had wished to be as good of a fighter as his father. Rotor wanted to be the greatest inventor the Kingdom had ever seen. Everyone had their wishes and dreams, and even back then… she thought they were a little too trivial for something so very important.

None of them knew exactly what kind of life she lived. They didn’t have to hear their fathers yelling and screaming about problems in the kingdom. They didn’t have to see their only family member become violently ill from stress. They weren’t watched curiously almost dirtily by Warlord Julian. They weren’t questioned time after time about their upbringing and morals. They lived carefree lives that didn’t have a frightfully boring predetermined future set to them.

Now, she would have given anything to experience that predetermined boring future. Anything was better than this. Even death was better.

He held her tightly and touched her lewdly. She had avoided his kisses and whined fitfully from his fingers probing her most sacred areas.

“Kiss me.” He’d whisper. “Kiss me Sal. It’s just like old times…” Liar. “No, not like old times…” “Kiss me” “No…” he’d take her hand in his and squeeze gently. He would carefully pick out a finger, and wrap his hand around it. “Kiss me.” He’d purr and once again Sally would refuse. The first time, it always hurt. He pulled back on her finger and a terrible crack followed. She wailed in pain. “Mmmm…”

Tears streamed down her face. He took the next finger in line and whisper once again. “Kiss me.” Again, she would refuse.


Screams, she wasn’t even sure if they came from her anymore. “Kiss me.” “No!” “Kiss me. It won’t hurt as bad as the alternative…” ”Noooo..”


Over and Over, why isn’t it over yet?

Her left hand was useless. She sobbed as he took her right hand in his. It was time to decide.

“Kiss me.”

Two words. The response would ultimately lead to agony and defilement. Her dignity was shattered, but not gone yet. She remembered her letter. Remembered the words, her tiny scrawling of hope.


The night ends with her cries, her defilement, her shame. His pleasure. His laughter.

Dear Sally,

I wish that everything is OK. I wish that you will be happy with Sonic. I wish that Daddy is still alive and is happy. I wish that you are with all your friends and happy. I wish Sonic would grow up. I wish I am pretty. I pray for everyone to be in a better world.

It will be hard to grow up; things will be hard to deal with. I know you can do it Sally. I believe in you and things will eventually get better. You always have Sonic to help you.

Sincerely Yours, Princess Sally Alicia Acorn


In truth the story that was written was a bit of a real role play me and my husband did. Of course no fingers were harmed in the making of this intense sex scene, but dammit the emotion was there. hugs Stealth

For the most part, this picture is symbolic, like this is what she did after the dreadful scene. She was taken back to her cell and thought about the past. Thought about the letter. Eh, you get it don’t you?

The song that inspired this picture was from Silent Hill 3’s soundtrack.

Mature (V)
Finished Work
20y240d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

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