Sykotic Orka

Cartoon Keiko
Cartoon Keiko by @becca (Sykotic Orka)

Keiko 1979 (yr of capture) - 2003

One of the best known of all the captive orcas, and, IMHO, the most charismatic. Laid back, sweet-natured and extremely playful.

Captivity still sucks... even though he died in the wild.

People should just leave animals alone. They are not meant to be confined for our amusement or to be used in experiements as such. It took cetaceans fifty million years to adapt themselves to a life in the ocean yet we expect them to adapt to a featureless concrete tank in a matter of hours or even days.

Finished Work
19y206d ago
Other Work By @becca

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 12 November, 2004 @ 10:04 PM

I agree with the captivity thing. I like how you drew this, he looks so shiny and cute!

Posted: Saturday, 13 November, 2004 @ 05:14 AM

yeah he looks very cute. I like the shine on his sides

Posted: Wednesday, 14 September, 2005 @ 05:35 PM

Awwwwwwwww so cuuuute! Love her face ^^ I agree with you, people should just leave animals alone ¬¬ Great effects! Lemme ask you something...... can you comment on my gallery??? I have just a few comments and nobody knows me in here -_- Plzzzzzzzzz

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