Jimi Newman

Another Lake Eerie inspired pic.
Another Lake Eerie inspired pic. by @jiminewman (Jimi Newman)

Though, this one took me somewhat longer than my last!! ^~ This is my character, Indigo. He's yer average hormone driven teenage male, with an Ego the size of yer house... though he's a nice guy deep down, and all the girls jsut love him to bits. ^~ (Can ya blame em...? Isnt he a handsome beast!?)

Anyhow, this picture is my 1st semi complex try with scanned texture manipulation. Theres a photo from Jess' and i's trip to the beach for her B'day last year there in the BG, after having manipulated it in Adobe, all the grass in this pic is real, though most of it i played with to get a more cartoony feel, and all other plants were just stolen from the garden! Indy himself is composed of 2 stuphed animals, a fur coat, a fur vest, a sheepskin rug, and my mothers hair extensions! ^_^;;;;;

21y269d ago
Other Work By @jiminewman

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