Jimi Newman

Chimera and Clay
Chimera and Clay by @jiminewman (Jimi Newman)

Quickish pic for Lake Eerie. These are my two newest characters, the Preevee (Lake eeries eevee pre-evolution) is Chimera, and the shiney ditto there is Clay. Clay was always a shiny pokemon, but upon catching a virus, the PC he was stored in happened to crash, and the virus corrupted his file. Upon his release years later, he had adopted the virus' personality traits, ie the desire to destroy/corrupt everyhting. Being weakened however by the corruption, he had to turn to Chimera, whos Genetic makeup, being an eevee type, is unstable enough for him to alter it using the genes from pokemon he disintegrates.. blob style. He uses her as a storeage bank of genetic material he can call upon to transform at any given time.. only hitch is, he has to be in contact with her, and as such, wraps himself around her like a 2nd skin, creating thier new fighting form from his own flesh, and letting her do the battling and killing so that he might absorb the techniques and forms of new, stronger enemies.

http://www.geocities.com/lake_eerie Thats Lake Eeries (Slightly outdated) homepage

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lake-eerie Theres the RP group itself.

Finished Work
21y251d ago
Other Work By @jiminewman

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