Li Chi Son

3rd profile sheet (I find this one the most beautiful one)
3rd profile sheet (I find this one the most beautiful one) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Ok....I may love this one but hell! I made even more mistakes!! cries Ah well, time to introduce them!

Sorry....this time it's left to right for every line

Rei Tavar (last try)- species:human (opinion: hearts hearts hearts her eyes!! her nose!!! it's....it's.....happy tears she's very very lovely!!! she really does look sad....huggies burns the pic of Divim hugging Rei her eyes are screwed up in that pic...-_-;)

Divim Tavar - species:saiyan (opinion: screwed up the eyes....no good)

Divim Tavar Reborn(second try)- species:saiyan (opinion: better cept his head looks huge!! that's Rei's hubby. might redraw him.....still thinking)

Saitoh Hajime- species:demon/namek (opinion: Yah yah, I know the name is from Kenshin. Still am confused at his species tho...it's Demon's human form after he terrized everyone and became good :P. Might redraw...)

Dark Master - species:ruling god of balance (opinion: drool very very hot! fixed the hair from his first pic I posted. Can't see his bird wings tho :P....drools more)

Great Mother(first try)- species:ruling goddess of life (opinion: eyes screwed over badly. too small for the circle. Scrap that)

Great Mother(last try)- species:ruling goddess of life (opinion: from that cr@p to this....I impressed myself :P j/k. Very very beautiful. Hand looks a bit weird but that's to be expected from me -_-; hair is long!! looks a bit chopped off :P)

Eternal Creator - species:ruling god of death (opinion: my my.....evil people sure look good! kinda don't like what he's wearing tho -_-....Don't wanna shove the guys into girl clothes either I'll be killed! luv luv puffy hair!)


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Teen (D)
Finished Work
22y23h ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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