Li Chi Son

Last sheet!!! YEAH!!! *cries* (I have to make so many more tho....;_;)
Last sheet!!! YEAH!!! *cries* (I have to make so many more tho....;_;) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

This one was a b-day present for bro bro! XD Wish I had made more but I ran out of normally-drawn characters and was stumped. I have to practice almost everyone else's characters now (ie Terramoon, Saiyan, and Piccollo) to draw more.

Starting from left to right for all.

Nina Covenin - species:alderan (dead) (opinion: NOOOO!!! Evil Gohan!! You killed her!!! >:E she's so cute tho!!! how can anyone kill her!??!! glare)

Pan Son(last try) - species:1/4 saiyan, 3/4 human (opinion: Cute cute cute! Pan looks the best here! Though Nina and Pan's head looks very very big -_-; screwed up on the scarf on her neck too...was supposed to be her bandana...bah!)

Drak - species:shapeshifter (dream/non-existant) (opinion: Bah!! Such a cute cat and now you tell me he only exists in that crystal dream world!?!?!? GRRR!! Well....he was evil and did cause havoc at the beginning...but I love cats ;_;)

Videl Son(first try) - species:human (opinion: When i compared the eyes to the other 3 sheets, they were just too big....did this sheet months after the first 3 scratch that.)

Videl Son(last try) - species:human (opinion: Better! Much better! She looks very pwetty too! Hey! My bro has good taste :P j/k)

Talamaur Voaltar - species:Oasis vampire(opinion: Why does he look European?!?!?! He looks so different from my first post of him....it's the eyes -_-; damn...)

Junta - species:1/2 ki-drinker, 1/2 god (opinion: gods are hot! half-gods are too! :P I still wonder how I drew 3 people in one whole picture without using pencil.....it boggles the mind. stares at Junta and drools)

Itsaki (Itsuki?, Itaski?)- species:god (opinion: If you think Junta looks good, just look at his father!!!!! WAHHHHHH! faints tooo....good....looking! Sad how I fall for characters I draw :P)

Sorry for the big letters of my page's name but I really do cherish these artworks and I haven't put them up yet in the character bios for them. (like anyone would wanna take these?!?! -_-)

Currently working on: Tora and Zora by Gohan, Saiyan and Merian by Saiyan, maybe a few of Terramoon's char if I don't screw them over O_O great artist is she... And the RULING DEMONS!! MUAHAHHAHAHAHHA coughs ugly or beautiful....depends on their creator....

Luv yeah! Enjoy!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
22y23h ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 07 August, 2002 @ 01:47 PM

Cool pics. And I must say.... trust me, you're not the only person to fall in love with your own chars..... grinz, nuzzles Scythe and Lute, giggles They really do grow up all on their own, it seems....

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