Laura Alexander

Habby Burfday, Knuckles!
Habby Burfday, Knuckles! by @jetbaby (Laura Alexander)

It's a teensie bit late but er... it's there! n.n; I didn't know that Knuckles was born on Groundhog Day. :O That's cool. They should rename it Echidna Day, woo yeuuh. X3 Anyway, here is Kagi, one of my several Sonic fancharacters, but this one has a deep and silly love for, you guessed it, the Knux man! She was supposed to be in a comic I haven't yet gotten to writing, but here she is, offering Knuckles a widdle Birthday cupcake that she made all by herself! And Knuckles seems... shocked over it. How sweet n_____n The inking job is pure crap and i'm definitely not gonna have Kagi wear high-heels anymore, cuz I messed up badly on 'em. But I still like the pic for it's cuteness factor. Anyhoo, Kagi-Chan and the pic are © Laura-Chan and Knuckles is © toooooooo SEGA!

22y154d ago
Other Work By @jetbaby

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Sunday, 03 February, 2002 @ 07:05 PM

LOL! Kawaii! XD And yer welcome! =P It's fun spreading inspiration. XP

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