
An adaptation of the 2016 “Deadpool” film set on Earth-10005.



As the wisecracking and foul-mouthed masked vigilante Deadpool, an adult Luan Loud ambushes Ajax and a convoy of his men on an expressway. Throughout the ambush, Luan shows the reader the events leading to how she became Deadpool. After being dishonorably discharged as a Canadian special forces operative, Luan works as a freelance mercenary until she meets an adult prostitute named Maggie. They become romantically involved and a year later she accepts her marriage proposal. Luan is later diagnosed with terminal cancer and she leaves Maggie without warning so she will not have to watch her die. A mysterious recruiter approaches Luan and offers her an experimental treatment for her cancer. She is taken to a laboratory run by Ajax and Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) who inject her with a serum designed to awaken latent mutant genes in her body. They subject Luan to days of torture to trigger any mutation he may have, without success. When Luan discovers Ajax's real name is Troy and mocks him for it, Ajax leaves Luan in a hypobaric chamber that periodically takes her to the verge of asphyxiation over a weekend. This finally activates a regenerative healing factor that counteracts Luan’s cancer, but leaves her severely disfigured with tumor-like scars over her entire body. She escapes from the chamber and attacks Ajax but relents when told that her condition can be cured. In the chaos, Ajax subdues Luan and leaves her for dead in the now-burning laboratory.



Luan survives due to her new healing abilities and seeks out Maggie but she doesn't reveal to her that she is alive out of fear that she will shun her because of her new appearance. After consulting with her best friend Weasel, Luan decides to hunt down Ajax for the cure. She becomes a vigilante, adopting the name "Deadpool" (from Weasel picking him in a dead pool) and moves into the home of an elderly blind woman named Madame Foster (Blind Al). Over the course of the next year, she questions and kills many of Ajax's associates until one, the recruiter, reveals Ajax's whereabouts. This information allows Luan to enact the ambush. She kills all of Ajax's henchmen, subdues Ajax herself, and promptly demands the cure but the X-Men Vinni Pukh (Colossus) and his trainee Marie Kanker (Negasonic Teenage Warhead) interrupt her. Vinni attempts to convince Luan to mend her ways and join the X-Men, but Luan turns him down. Taking advantage of this distraction, Ajax escapes and regroups with Angel Dust. The two of them then head to Weasel's bar, where Ajax hears of Maggie. Ajax kidnaps Maggie and takes her to a decommissioned Helicarrier in a scrapyard. In response, Luan convinces Vinni and Marie to help her get her back. They battle Angel Dust and a group of Ajax's men while Luan fights her way to Ajax. During the battle, Marie accidentally destroys the supports keeping the Helicarrier stable. Luan protects Maggie as the ship collapses all around them while Vinni carries Marie and Angel Dust to safety. Ajax attacks Luan again but he is overpowered. He reveals a cure never existed to begin with and despite Vinni’s pleas, Luan kills Ajax though she does promise to Vinni that she will try to be more heroic moving forward. Maggie then angrily berates Luan for leaving her but she reconciles with her after she sees her lover’s disfigured face and learns the real reason why she never came back to her.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
13d15h ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil

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