Melle L

::-Just Like Daddy-::
::-Just Like Daddy-:: by @Melle (Melle L)

Melle, Stinkie and their son Azriel!

Melle: Myaww, He wants to fly just like his Daddy! Stinkie: Hehehe, He makes a big stink like me too!

For those of you who didn't read. Stinkie and Melle made love when Stinkie had been turned into a human for a certain amount of time in my story. It was around a total of 3-5 days. THAT'S how Melle had a baby with him.

I wanted to show case Stinkie here being the proud father I know he'd be if he had a boy of his own! ^.^ Not to mention just how much he loves his family to bits. Azriel has blond hair like his mother! And yes, the kid ADORES being flown around by his Father and Uncles!

This kiddo also has special powers that he doesn't know about yet, nor do his relatives. The kid can turn himself into a ghost when he wants, going invisible, and going through walls, even flying once he's older! This is from the fact that his father IS a ghost...and all these details I won't go into.

Melle, Azriel and Art are (c) to Me. Stinkie is (c) to Universal/HarveyToons

Finished Work
15y77d ago
Other Work By @Melle

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Sunday, 15 February, 2009 @ 10:35 AM
Rating: 5

That's sweet, the little one has ghostly powers too! Very sweet picture! ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 15 February, 2009 @ 01:58 PM

Yes! :) He's a cutie when he's younger! When he gets older though, boy is he a mischief maker. <3 Thank you so much!

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