Tori Kino

Cute Collab
Cute Collab by @hirameki (Tori Kino)

I think udders are cute. Apparently a lot of people think udders are sex symbols. Well, whatever others may think, my intent when drawing the was for general adorability. I hope you side7 peeps can appreciate that too. I drew the left side, cloud sir drew the right.

(additionally, I went back and darkened the shadows and added highlights to my side, which can be found here)

Finished Work
19y105d ago
Other Work By @hirameki

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 18 March, 2005 @ 08:28 PM

Well, this is certainly a unique picture! i don't believe i've seen cow people before.....although i was thrown off by the udders at first (i understand your viewpoint, don't worry) i think it's a very well drawn picture. the coloring, shadowing, highlighting, everything's great! good work.

Posted: Friday, 18 March, 2005 @ 08:42 PM

This is such an original picture! I really love how the two of you have designed these characters--from the cute cow noses to the ears and udders, they really are unique from everything I've ever seen! This is quite an adorable pic, in a strange way--you are right, I am used to seeing udders used as more 'sex symbols' than anything cute. The girl getting her udder touched looks so confused! I also want to commend you on the costume designs--they both have great style. I think the coloring is rather well done--but I do think you need more highlights and shading on the left side--the one you did, I believe? cloud sir's has more light on it, which makes it look as though she's really shiny and yours is very dull. They are both really well drawn--and from first glance I couldn't tell they were by two different people! I hope you guys work together more in the future!

Posted: Tuesday, 29 August, 2006 @ 06:13 PM

My gods, this is SO FLIPPIN CUTE!

I love the noses!

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