Laguna Barr

"If I could go back, just one last time..." by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)

O...kay, I see I was in depression at one point of this and listening to Enigma... i remember the enigma music about the sea turning black in the background when drawing that... Well, there's the one of Eike from shadow of memories dying..in a pool of blood, presumably his, with the words "If I could go back, just one last time" Which heh, is the title of this piccie unsurprising. Then there's a picture of Auron looking unimpressed and saying "Your petty ways don't scare me" which was what I thinking when my mum was threatening me about stopping me from going to cadets for some reason...

Then there's a Behemoth (For Becca chan..the beast one is what I thought Volt would look like...cool hmm ^~))..well...there's two..^^;; the big thing looking clueless is the Behemoth from Breath of fire 4...and then the beast one is one from final fantasy 7, although it looks like one from FF10, only on all fours.

And finally when I found an oooold photo of my friend Andrew.. I laughed and just had to draw this, he had an afro!! It's a piccy of Screw just having fun and making a face at the camera, with Ax and Excaliber joining in too... although Excaliber seems a little reluctant dun he ^_~ ?

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Laguna Barr

Teen (V)
Rough / Concept
21y185d ago
Other Work By @Axenblade

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 05 June, 2003 @ 12:21 PM

Awwww this are cool piccies bud! o.o` poor poor Eike ::picks him up..and get's blood on herself ^^; and gives him a hug:: and I like the group photo of Ax, Screw and Excalibur, they all look adorable! and I love how the Behomeths look. ^^. hehe and yep their cool!! ^_^.

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