::blink, blink:: now, that sounds weird to me!!! ::laughs out loud and looks at her description of the picture:: I guess the same thing happened to you with my text in Spanish! SORRY ABOUT THAT!!!! FORGOT TO TRANSLATE THAT!!!!!! SORRY AGAIN!!!! ^_^`
Samarkanda by @riverita (Gina Rivera)
Esta es Samarkanda... Representa la soledad, el sentimiento de verse sola en los momentos en que más lo necesitas... En esos momentos en los que ansías tener a alguien cerca y no encuentras a nadie en quien apoyarte... Pero a la vez representa esa fuerza que debes mostrar en esos malos momentos, la fuerza que te permite salir adelante, sin importar lo que pase... y la capacidad de volar y alejarte de esos sentimientos de despreocupación, soledad e incomprensión.
This is Samarkanda. She represents loneliness, and the feeling of seeing yourself lonely when you most need someone by your side... Those moments when you really need someone beside you and when you don´t have anyone to hold on to. But at the same time she represents that strengh you should show on those bad moments and that will allow you to carry on, and her wings representing the power of flying away from those feelings of despreocupation and loneliness.
Comments & Critiques (4)
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::laughs:: You surprised me with your Spanish!!!! And I´m sure your own language is easier for you as Spanish is easier for me!!!! ::laughs again:: Either way.. sorry again for that... Forgot to paste the English translation back up there... ^_^´ If I miss it again... PLEASE TELL ME!!! ;)
Kono Samarkanda wa, HITORI DAKE dewanai to iu koto da... anshin shiteba, hane o akeru to haruka tokoro he tobasunda...dochira koso, shiawase wo mitsuketeru no da...