Jimi Newman

mm...yea.. by @jiminewman (Jimi Newman)

My dog died 2 weeks back. I've been missing her a LOT. I rescued her with my own hands from a violently abusive home when i was 11, and i had her jsut under a decade. I've never known such a complex, charming personality in an animal. I loved her so much, and i'll always remember and miss her dearly. Rest in peace Saff, Godspeed old friend.

22y71d ago
Other Work By @jiminewman

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 07:05 AM

When I saw this pic, I couldn´t help but feel very touched and understanding...I know how it is to loose a beloved pet, since my own beloved dog Nicki, a wonderful female scottish terrier died in November last year, 13 years old. Your a great artist and probably also a great person. Keep up your great work and God Bless. ~KS Claw http://www.side7.com/art/katjsoeg/gallery.html

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 08:44 AM

hug I know how hard it is to lose a pet.. my beloved kitty died in September.. .. That's a beautiful picture and really reminds me of happy times. I really love your style of art too ^^ Great composition of colors.

My art: TAZL’s Gallery

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 10:27 AM

All i can say is... WAAAAAAHHH poor dog... I love the pic too. All shiny and sunny Criez

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 04:17 PM

;.; I'm sorry no0! That must be awful...I felt terrible when my mom had to give our dog away...she was so kawaii and sweet but she didn't think we were ready to have a dog yet. She was only 1 1/2 years old, too! Anyway, I love the way you express how you feel about the things going on in your life by drawing these amazing, beautiful works of art...and <3's to Saff up in tha sky...

Posted: Wednesday, 05 June, 2002 @ 08:15 AM

It is tragic when a friend like your pet passes away. I give you both my condolences, and my wishes that Saffron goes on to a better place, my friend.


John the Enforcer

Posted: Sunday, 04 August, 2002 @ 06:20 PM

Yes, I was told about this, that's really sad. But Saffron is in a better place now. Er, very nice picture BTW ^-^;;;

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