Jimi Newman

I can be a Jerk sometimes.
I can be a Jerk sometimes. by @jiminewman (Jimi Newman)

Ive acted like a jerk before, and i'll probably do it again at some point, but ive never before acted like that towards Jessie, and when i did recently once i realised what a Pig i was being i felt amazingly, amazingly bad about it and wrote her a letter, along with this pic by way of apology.

Finished Work
22y239d ago
Other Work By @jiminewman

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Saturday, 10 November, 2001 @ 07:08 PM

aww. ;_; I can relate. I acted like a big, shtoOpid jerk ta mah sweetie awhile ago, too... I think we tend ta blow up on our loved ones cuz we know that they love us enough to put up with out horse @#$%&* when we get ticked fer whatever reason...at least thats what I like ta believe. :P get beaten up by the admins cuz shes commenting on too meny pictures...that and she said "horse @#$%&"*

Posted: Monday, 12 November, 2001 @ 09:53 PM

Hey, I'd never think of you that way. Believe me, I think Sheba couldn't do better in finding a friend so willing to apologize for a mistake made. That's a mistake that most guys make, thinking they're always right.

What I'm trying to say is, a friend who is willing to admit when they're wrong is a friend to keep.

Posted: Thursday, 29 August, 2002 @ 08:42 AM

Really cute piccy, you're beeing a gentleman, but wath's wrong with pigs? They are the cutest!

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