Jenny Smith

NOFX in my head
NOFX in my head by @LiveLoveBurnDie (Jenny Smith)

I really like this picture... its really cute. Shes holding a guitar pick in here hand...I did have a guitar case on her shoulders but I couldn't draw it very well so I erased it.. Anyways, I went through 3 NOFX CDs before this one done, hence all the NOFX stuff ^_^;;

Rough / Concept
22y214d ago
Other Work By @LiveLoveBurnDie

Comments & Critiques (8)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 05 January, 2002 @ 06:03 AM

=) she's very cute.. and i like her outfit.. very unique and u can draw wrinkles on clothes well too! =D just wanted to say "GOOD JOB" =)


Posted: Saturday, 05 January, 2002 @ 06:07 AM

oops.. i pasted ur pix url on da comment by accident.. o well.. lol


Posted: Saturday, 05 January, 2002 @ 11:18 PM

I LUV THIS PIC! Oh she's sooo cute! Jenny you kick some MAYJOR ass! Well I have two ?s, first, if so what do u play in a band? (I play drums) and 2nd, do u like skateboarding? (i can skateboard!) um das it! But i absoulutly luv this pic!

Posted: Monday, 07 January, 2002 @ 04:22 PM

I WANT THOSE BOOTS!! lol there so much cooler than mine and I love how you've imptoved over a short time ^_^ want boots heehee I flys away

Posted: Friday, 22 February, 2002 @ 02:48 PM

Ooooo! I want pants like those! Actually, longer, but still.. all the ones at Hot Topic r tooo big 4 me.. that sux.. Anywayz, I like her shirt 2! Do u play guitar? I do.. just asking cuz of the pick thingy... ahem.

Posted: Tuesday, 06 August, 2002 @ 01:10 PM

LoL i WaNT HeR CLoTHeS!!! PuNK RoCKS!!!! ouT oF aLL THe aRT THaT iVe SeeN YouR MY FaVoRiTe ARTiST!!

you should make more sk8r-types like this i think that ur good at sk8 punx :-D

Posted: Monday, 19 August, 2002 @ 06:57 AM

I'm totally diggin' the pants.

Posted: Monday, 09 December, 2002 @ 09:22 PM


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