Jessica Gonzalez

Princess Azura
Princess Azura by @Dark_Maiden_Kira (Jessica Gonzalez)

Azura is a character I created for a FF roleplay I did a little while back. That’s her classic princess gown she’s in, and that bridge is were she often meets the love of her life in secret. Her lover is also her bodyguard btw, lol.

Finished Work
20y132d ago
Other Work By @Dark_Maiden_Kira

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 04 March, 2004 @ 11:11 PM

Once again, I am utterly astounded by your costume design. It's absolutely gorgeous! Very royal looking, indeed! I really love her profile--she definetly looks like she's waiting for her lover, and if he could see her like that, I'm sure he'd be completely unable to resist running to her!

Sounds like a better story than just a roleplay. You could probably make a novel out of it! Might wanna try that someday. ::grins:: Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

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