Nanvile Ayres

Huh? by @Killer_Kitten (Nanvile Ayres)

Behold my first work in progress! Bwahahahaha!!!! Tsame looks so different.....I can see Lilco now....."What happened to his Know Your Mushrooms t-shirt? Where's his choker? Omg! This is the first pic you've drawn where Tsameactually has emotions instead of the traditional 'What?'"

But that aside, I need something for him to look at! Tsmae's just looking at blank air right now! And I STILL gotta work on my shading! Oi! So much to do and so MUCH time! I keep wasting it on watcing anime, lol. I think I need to become reaquainted with this SLEEP mechanism...Ah! My ear hurts even on the dang pillow! INJUSTICE!

19y180d ago
Other Work By @Killer_Kitten

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Wednesday, 15 December, 2004 @ 04:55 PM

What happen to his Know Your Mushrooms T-shirt? Where's his choker? Omg! This is the first pic you've drawn where Tsame actually has emotions instead of the traditional "What?" Lol :)

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