
Brandishin' Swords and Castin' Spells
Brandishin' Swords and Castin' Spells by @Shaolin (Heidi)

'Tis two of my very favorite original characters, Carriel Yoshiyuki and Chiyobi Taki. Obviously their names are made up or horridly used (as I made them when I was but a wee anime fan), but I still luff 'em. :)

The backgrounds behind both of them, though not spiffy and detailed, lamely represent their homes. Carriel lives (or SHOULD live) in the elven forests whereas Chiyobi, as a human, naturally lives in a village. Wow, lots of fun.

Media: Prismacolor markers and colored pencils, Zebra pens and Sakura pens

Finished Work
20y291d ago
Other Work By @Shaolin

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 15 October, 2003 @ 08:35 PM

Oh wow...this picture is like..........SHMIFFLEY! And I JUST MADE THAT UP! :D

Do not fear, for it is a good thing. ^_^

FANTASTIC character designs! ^.^ Me wish me were that good at designing characters.... ;_;

Posted: Friday, 17 October, 2003 @ 03:12 PM

For all the years I used Prismacolor pencils, and all the years I've used Prismacolor markers, I have never thought to mix the two. You're a genius.

And you have great character designs!

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