Allison Henderson

See You On the Flip Side
See You On the Flip Side by @betrayal_and_wisdom (Allison Henderson)

Hm...this? This is the result of my boredom on a one week trip down to Vetnor, New Jersey. Only because the weather was terrible and I couldn't go to the beach and the nearest Borders was 45 mins away.

I nearly died. So I pulled out my prismacolor markers, colored pencils, and sketchbook and this turned out.

Personally, I think it's rather cool. It's showing the opposing but complementary forces of fire and water (hi and mizu). Notice the Japanese Kanji on their garb. ^__~

Finished Work
20y283d ago
Other Work By @betrayal_and_wisdom

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 10 September, 2003 @ 11:09 PM

Wonderfully composed and well balanced and stuff. And I envy anyone who can successfully use markers. -_-

Posted: Monday, 05 January, 2004 @ 09:07 PM

Nyuhuhu...you commented on my site...oh so long ago ^^ Especially since I haven't been on Side7 for...ever...>.> (I moved to http://amberfoxwing.deviantart.com) So yes. I love this picture; it evokes a nostalgia in me. ^^ I used to draw this yinyang thing allllll the time, of a gryphon and a dragon, intertwined. ^^ I should give it another shot some time. Anyways, I adore this pic, and I too envy people who can successfully use markers. ^^

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