
Tulio's way of thinking... (2nd and even more crappy animation of mine)
Tulio's way of thinking... (2nd and even more crappy animation of mine) by @Isolde (Isolde)

(yep, Tulio from the Road to el Dorado)Oook, this is really weird, I didn't quite make him move as I wanted to, but if you take just one pic of the animation it could make a nice drawing ;-) And don't pay attention to that hand up there, I kinda traced it wrong...and the pillar/pole is imaginary...ok, you can critizise me now.

Rough / Concept
22y257d ago
Other Work By @Isolde

Comments & Critiques (9)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 18 November, 2001 @ 04:28 PM

Holy crap! Animation is hard! nice job!

Posted: Monday, 19 November, 2001 @ 04:47 AM

Criticize? Are you crazy? You are very talented! (No, really.)

Posted: Wednesday, 21 November, 2001 @ 01:28 PM

Yeah, this looks amazing :) Absolutely amazing!!

Posted: Monday, 03 December, 2001 @ 07:08 PM

::laughs:: Its great!!! I don´t think it´s a crappy animation!! Its AWESOME!!

Posted: Sunday, 03 February, 2002 @ 07:56 AM

HAHAHA! This is a good one. Reminds me of the great movie. :-)

Maybe you could make the distance between "normal" and "against the wall" larger, and use less frames. This will add more 'motion' to it.

That's my only note, great picture!

Posted: Sunday, 24 February, 2002 @ 03:01 PM

sorry, for replying so late, but hmm, I guess you'Re right, but I don't have the time at the moment...thanx for your suggestion anyway! :-)

Posted: Thursday, 07 February, 2002 @ 07:58 AM

HAHAHAHA! That's a greeeeeeeeeeeeat animation! That part was so funny (especially with the music in the background) ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 24 February, 2002 @ 02:59 PM

yeah, Tulio is very good at keeping the right rhythm, huh? ;-) Poor guy...(in the el dorado game his "thinking" is getting even harder....) ;-)

Posted: Wednesday, 17 April, 2002 @ 08:45 PM

The only problem I find in it is it needs to be a little more fluid in motion. Also you need the folds of the shirt to move as he draws back. (I do a LOT of animation)

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