Stephanie Ratté

Inspector Gadget
Inspector Gadget by @stepratt (Stephanie Ratté)

Here's a pic I drew when Disney's live action version of Inspector Gadget came out, which stars the ever-so-yummy Matthew Broderick drooolll This pic here was drawn RIGHT from the ad in my local newspaper (which, I might add was VERY tiny...). In THIS homage for the Movie, it stars Rage Dingo as Inspector Gadget, and NP as Claw! Hee hee! I LOVE how this came out, cosidering it took an hour to do the compu effects of this! OO!! look at the little logo next to Gadget... who does it look like? =) And Look at Claw's cat... look familiar? ;) Hee hee! This is pretty good. The movie itself was funny, but not AWESOMELY good, BTW.

Finished Work
22y281d ago
Other Work By @stepratt

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