The Plane of Infinity by @albemcda (Albert McDaniel)
An Art 2 perspective assignment that I had a little fun with. I like the concept of infinity, it intrigues me. This is an infinite, flat plain. Before you lays an infinite road lined with pillars of stone. In the distance you can see a mountain range, and a castle whose size is beyond description. How can you see the end of an infinite road? Technically since the plains are flat, you can see forever, and since the mountains and castle are of infinite size, even though they are infinitely far away, you can still see them. Mathmaticians may be skeptical of this, but since noone has ever had any actual experience with TWO infinite objects or spaces, I stand by my artistic interpretation, that an object of infinite size can be seen at an infinite distance. They may also be skeptical of the "end" of infinity, to which I simply point out this is a work of art, not science, and in my artistic creation, the Plane of Infinity is where all parallel lines intersect, a sort of node/source/sink for the universe. Thus, here, infinity does have an end, which though you may see, you can never reach.
This is REALLY nicely done. I love the design of the castle, and the clouds...Just...nicely done! I don't think I would've used those canyon-like columns that you used to border the plain.
And then... "I feel so insignificant!"...adds that li'l touch of humor. Very nice!
my art: