Ayame Suzuki

Takuya (hot-ified!)
Takuya (hot-ified!) by @minako134 (Ayame Suzuki)

Wowzers. I've been meaning to draw Takuya looking more..."man-morsel"-ish...but I think even I surprised myself. You can ask Tiamat, I kept going "I am SOO happy!!" over and over again while I was drawing this. (this was during a sleepover at her house) I shouldn't have had him looking straight at the 'camera', it would have been better if he were looking somewhere else. He's looking RIGHT AT YOU. 0_0 Yowza. I never say this, but this is one of my favorite pictures I've ever done. However, I ALWAYS say this; the reason I think guys with glasses are hot is because they can take them off. ^^ ^^ ^_^

Finished Work
21y307d ago
Other Work By @minako134

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 05 September, 2002 @ 10:50 AM

^taps her chin thinking*^* I like it Ayame. Very Glompable. ^nods*^* I like it. I agree It might look better if he was looking off in the distance but I like it so Yeah ^_^;; Keep it up

Luv Alyssa

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2002 @ 09:05 PM

I do very much like this one ^_^ I couldn't see it that well when you were over at my house (I dunno, I didn't look that close), but it came out really well. I really need to pop up more often and leave more random comments for you in return for all the wonderful comments you've left me.

Posted: Sunday, 15 September, 2002 @ 03:00 AM

OOOH! He's hot! Keep your glasses OFF, bishy! drools

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