You have got to be kidden' me right? My generation scares me into all these games and stuff come on people they aren't real don't you ever go outside and just look at the peacefulness of the world that God created?
Raziel (Soul Reaver Fan Art) by @whitefantom (Jennifer Pitcock Doneske)
Ever since I got the Sega Dreamcast version of 'Soul Reaver,' I've had a HUGE crush on Raziel:-). I finally decided to do a portrait in homage to his beautiful yet scarred face.
Painter Classic, September 2000.
Comments & Critiques (4)
Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind
Posted: Thursday, 13 March, 2003 @ 02:30 AM
Aww, how sweet! A FOOL commented on your BEAUTIFUL image! I love it! Definetly captures his grim, yes erily beautiful visage! I especialy love how well you did his hair. ^__^ Gorgeous! I realy like the subtlty you gave the glowey bits on the mantel. :D
Bravo! Bravo!
Oh wow! You have really captured him so beautifully. It's very unique and different from other pictures I've seen of him. I am possitive that Raziel would approve ^_^