Andy Webb

Bokk is spooky.
Bokk is spooky. by @andywebb (Andy Webb)

Yes he is. Ambassador Bokk and his SIR, Electrode, two more Irken characters. It's too late for me to go into much detail on this, but basically Bokk goes from planet to planet checking in on the progress of invaders, and takes care of any stragglers who refuse to submit to the Irkens. Or something. I'll think of something better later. His SIR, Electrode, has four legs (each fitted with suction cups) and has been given the ability to read minds. In addition, Electrode can blend in with its surroundings, making it an effective weapon.

Bokk secretly wants to overthrow the Tallest and is always plotting against them.

22y124d ago
Other Work By @andywebb

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Thursday, 07 March, 2002 @ 05:01 PM

GAH! Bokk's reading my mind....insane gasp HE'S SPOOKY!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Heh. :)

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