Rebecca Mason

Barry the Ice-Skating chicken?!!
Barry the Ice-Skating chicken?!! by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Hehee, a small comic based from when I was at school, Simeon had made a small slideshow about a chicken called Barry who could ice-skate ( It was really funny) and while I remembered that I also had the chicken quote from Slayers come into my mind and I decided to put both of those together and I ended up with this .^^. Of course it does vary from the quote slightly but it's almost the same, And just so you know..at Hedingham School once your in Sixth Form ( Year 12..which I was in) you can wear the clothes you'd normally wear at home and Charlotte, Andrew and Simeon were in Year 8 (which is the scond year) which is why their wearing the school uniform just in case you were wondering why I'm not wearing the uniform...Enjoy .^^.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
22y141d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

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