Rebecca Mason

Lots of Siro piccies
Lots of Siro piccies by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Heh..and this started out as just one drawing..which was Baby Siro asleep in his daddy's turban, Then there's a pic of Baby Siro with his daddy Piccolo ^^ (He's sitting on his dad's arm) And then there's a pic of Siro in his clothes as a little baby ( I'd say he's 10 months there) which look a lot like how Gohan's clothes looked when he was first introduced into DBZ, After that is a pic of Siro a teency bit older (around 4 years old) in small training clothes (which again look a lot like young Gohan's did..minus the headband) and he has a little neckscarf in there ^^ , Then there's future Siro ( 16 years old) in the clothes that look much more like his dad's (he's even got the cape) and lastly Future (teen) Siro again (he's still 16 ^^) in normal clothes (and he's holding a bottle of spring water) wearing a baseball cap and he looks like he's going to High school or something like that) Heh..and the biggest inspiration for that pic was from what Piccolo wore (even if he didn't want to) in the episode where Goku and Piccolo learn to drive and I decided to see how Siro would look in normal clothes rather than his training clothes for once .^^. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
22y141d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 25 April, 2002 @ 11:56 AM

chuckle I like the cap teen Siro is wearing

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 12:38 PM

awww KAWAII! Love the ones of baby Siro in Piccolo's hat-thingy & the one of him wearing that baseball-cap! His face's just hilarious! lol

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