Ianca - View - Family - Icicles
Ianca - View - Family - Icicles by @Kahvinporo

Once in a while, I challenge myself to paint something every day for a week as practice. My aim is to try different brushes, and techniques or just finish something! I paint these works over my own photography, and my aim is not to make a photorealistic replica of the photo - just something that captures the image. I try to use the least amount of time possible to finish each work, typically it takes me maybe 1,5 hours to finish.

Ianca, a lovely pupper I met when I visited a close friend of mine in France.

View, the next seven pieces starting from this was done with a theme "blue" in mind. And I've to admit, this was the point when I started to feel a little burnout as well. As I'd finished one speedpaint every day for A MONTH.

Family, this pair of swans have been nesting near my family's summer cottage for years. And every year they swim close to the beaches to see if people will give them any free food.

Icicles, my previous apartment's balcony got these funky icicles because of wind. They were super long and nearly horizontal.

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111d18h ago
Other Work By @Kahvinporo
In These Portfolios

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