Rollee Bitterblossom

Piedmont Factory Registry
Piedmont Factory Registry by @rollee (Rollee Bitterblossom)

In September of1922, Godwin Piedmont opened Piedmont Factory. The place was not yet functional but Godwin accepted orphaned tenants anyways. Though there was no work to be done yet but the building still lacked basic living amenities like running water, and heating. The oldest child Lauren, then 10 years old, worked miracles to keep the group alive through the first winter.

By the end of 1923, the factory was fully operational. Godwin hired people who were technically skilled enough to run Piedmont, but were generally unwanted by the industry, mostly criminals and drunkards who treated the kids as slaves.

In 1924, Rheena could no longer tolerate these conditions and attempted a coup. The punishment came quickly and brutally. Rheena almost died from the overblown retaliation. As such, though horrible, this rebellion was somewhat successful. Godwin implemented the barest restraints over his workers.

in 1925, realizing that injury was commonplace in Piedmont, Godwin made a deal with Dr. Gaswald’s local medical clinic. The doctor would treat all of Piedmont’s children as a form of charity. In truth, Godwin had given permission for the eccentric doctor to perform his insane experiments while treating them.

In 1926, Michael attempted Piedmont’s 2nd rebellion but ended immediately with a swift beating.

Billy, arrived in 1927. The rebellious farm boy, started Piedmont’s 3rd revolt. Unlike the other two before him, Billy never surrendered and gave as much he got. Others rallied under “Billy’s Breakers” and the adult workers now had to think twice about picking on them.

In 1928, Piedmont was not doing well. An ambitious boy, Eugene, became Godwin’s lackey, and began directly micromanaging the factory. Production improved but the already awful living conditions of Piedmont further suffered.

The Great Depression hit the country. 1929 and 1930 saw a cascade fresh orphans brought to the factory causing Piedmont to flourish during these dark times.

In 1930, Lauren was now approaching 18 years of age. Unwilling to let the girl leave and reveal all of Piedmont’s secret to the public, Godwin had her meet an unfortunate “accident.”

July 26, 1931 was the Night of the Fire, the night Piedmont burned to the ground.

If you liked this story and found the Factory of Madness interesting I have a group where I store the art and stories. Here

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