Jenny Harris

Gnder Bent Invader Zim Cast
Gnder Bent Invader Zim Cast by @jeNNY (Jenny Harris)

Um...blame Bast and her friieends! o.o It all started with this one screen cap from Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars, where all the Irkens are screaming and crammed into one another. One of the Operator's antennae was right near Purple's eye, making it look like he had an eyelash. Yeah. It went bonkers from there. We had this free-form RP about Zim being a girl and all this messed up stuff. So, I needed to draw this.

Ink Paper Open Canvas

Finished Work
20y190d ago
Other Work By @jeNNY

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 16 December, 2003 @ 03:47 PM

I remember being there for the eyelash discussion but not the RP. >.9 Hmm... but yeah. u.u Good times, those. Yup.

Gir hassa TUTU! :D

Posted: Thursday, 18 December, 2003 @ 09:42 PM

HEY! YOU STOLE MY GENDER THING! AND YOU DID DIB GIRL'S HAIR ALL WRONG! All though, it is kinda cute. I'll give it that much. ;)

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