B Sanders

Shotoha (Progress Model 110814)
Shotoha (Progress Model 110814) by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

So, if the dates on these models are to be believed, I haven't worked on this model for two months. In reality, though, it's probably been closer to about a month and a half. ^^;; So, in this model, I've just added some more skin to the ship. The observation lounge on the front has texture along with the forward launcher (not in the picture) and the exterior doors for the beam weapons. The maneuvering thrusters also have texture on them. Might not seem like much, but those beam weapons (including the interior assemblies) took hours; I had to go over each one and reapply three layers of textures to eight objects, and that was only after spending a few hours designing them.

12y258d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

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