Samantha Nowinski

"...See what I mean?" by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Okay, I'm a big fan of slash and all, but when it comes to LoTR's Aragorn and Legolas, I'll have to say "no" at that one. Why? Here's the main reason.

Aragorn is with Arwen. At the end of book three, Aragorn and Arwen wed, which leaves slash out of the picture and out of the mind.

So, personally, I don't see Legolas and Aragorn a slash couple. I see them as close friends but nothing more, really. ::Bows:: thank you. And I'm sorry if I upsetted anyone, but this was bothering me.

...and I have no idea who that girl is. ::Sweatdrops:: Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y180d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Thursday, 26 December, 2002 @ 10:28 PM

Right you are!

Posted: Friday, 27 December, 2002 @ 08:01 PM

nods I agree completely. I'm more of a Legolas & Gimli fan, anyway. I just don't see any connection between Legolas and Aragorn (and I simply can't ignore Arwen either). >_<

BTW, this was my response to Aragorn-Legolas.^^ http://www.side7.com/cgi-bin/S7SDB/DisplayImg.pl?INO=123017

Posted: Saturday, 28 December, 2002 @ 08:47 AM

Oh I TOTALLY agree with you on this! Aragorn/Legoas BLHECK.. >< eww.. No-way! I really don't like the whole Legolas/Aragorn, Aragorn/Frodo, Gimli/Legolas, Aragorn/Eowyn thing!! x_x.. Aragorn is with ARWEN!! ARWEN! Not any of those others oO;;... and Ya know..I find slash to be ok..but nyeh..I just don't think that Legolas and Gimli are THAT THAT close..deffinetely close FRIENDS but I couldn't see anything more.

Anyways really nice funny picture you've drawn XD

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