Meret Rinath

...Young Severus and Remus^^
...Young Severus and Remus^^ by @DisasterInAHalo (Meret Rinath)

...As I was drawing this, I thought how much it fits with "#1 Crush" by Garbage...Of course, that's only in my mind and probably no one out there will get it. Nonetheless, I think this turned out pretty good for a 10-15 min drawing^^ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Helkaramiel Waenheru

Finished Work
22y81d ago
Other Work By @DisasterInAHalo

Comments & Critiques (8)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2002 @ 09:26 AM

WOW! This is what Harry Potter fan work is supposed to look like! Its wonderful! The colours, the expressions, the characters' looks, the feel, DAMN! This is a wonderful picture, not to mention all of you art work. Heh, maybe you should see my gallery of crapola!


Maybe we could do an art trade or something?

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2002 @ 10:26 AM

This is a very good drawing.... You should make a drawing of Severus and Harry.....:P

Posted: Saturday, 27 July, 2002 @ 06:47 AM

wicked! I love the expressions and the atmosphere...its great (and, wahoo, another Garbage fan! Garbage rox) Keep up the great work

Posted: Saturday, 23 November, 2002 @ 09:03 PM

Very nice picture. I think you should draw one of Sirius.

Posted: Sunday, 24 November, 2002 @ 05:59 PM

Why thank you. But no. I FUCKING hate Sirius Black. HATE. HATE. H-A-T-E. I'll go as far as to say I PRAY to whatever Gods that he is one of the people J.K. Rowling kills in one of the remaining books. Jesus CHRIST...I hate him...If I ever draw him it'd be ONLY to help express whatever message I'm trying to through any picture. I hate him so much the mere mention of his name gets me pissed off beyond words. Why? I can write an essay on that. Anyway. I'm going to stop now before I start bitching to you innocent viewer and telling you to fuck off for even merely even including his name in your comment for whatever reasons; But there was no way you could've known yaoi-obsessed/bishie-loving Hel-chan here hated HIM. HIM who's actually considered one of the sexiest men in HP. UGH, I could throw the fuck up. I hope I haven't ruined anyone's mood as this comment has just mine. Go to HELL Sirius Black.-_-is pissed off for no reason

Posted: Friday, 13 December, 2002 @ 08:49 PM

<<. *sidles away from last commenter* You are the coolest HP artist there ever was!! ^^. The highlights & specklies on this are so pritty. & you do the bestest hair in the world! worships saves you to favorites list

Posted: Friday, 13 December, 2002 @ 11:32 PM

o, that was you.;;; You frighten me. But ya draw real spiffy ^_^.;;;;;;;;;;;

Posted: Saturday, 14 December, 2002 @ 12:08 PM

o.o;;.......cough~.~Gomen nasaiii!!! It's just that...Sirius pisses me off ;-; please dun hate meh!!>.< And thank you so much for the comments ;.;...

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