
June 21st, 2024



Earth-One is a world made by the Time God of Earth-X and it previously used to be the Flashpoint Timeline; an alternate timeline that was accidentally created by the Scarlet Speedster where Ultraman (a Superman analogue) was raised by the government and the Atlantans and Amazons were at war with each other. Earth-One’s primary hero team is the Justice League and it consists of:





Midnight (Batman analogue)- she is a woman.


Adult Irwin (Billy and Mandy)- Cyborg.


McGee- Aquaman.


Penelope- Wonder Woman.


Steven Universe- Shazam.




Various things have happened in Earth One since its creation which include:



The defeat of Patrick Star (Starro) and his imprisonment in the Phantom Zone by the Justice League.


A woman giving birth to a baby boy (who is Flapjack but he doesn’t have a name yet).


Steven defeating Hector by putting him in a magic bottle. Hector is the DC villain Mister Mind but he looks the way he looks when he was a kid but is still an adult.


The Justice League defeating Lord Hater (who is the Marvel villain Golden Skull).


An anchorman reports that there is word going around that a couple of groups are going to go to war with each other over control of “Sanctuary”.




Sanctuary is a Dimension where Alternates (alternate universe counterparts) can go to for a home if they are in hiding hence its name and an Alternate of Rose Quartz was in charge of said Dimension, Sanctuary also contains the large “South Valley” forest and a large house where its previous residents lived in as well.

Finished Work
10d ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil
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