
June 17th, 2024

An adaptation of the “DCeased” miniseries.


In the aftermath of a battle with the forces Apokolips, of Midnight discovers that Irwin (Cyborg) has been kidnapped. On Apokolips, Irwin is being tortured by DeSaad, who reveals that one-half of the Anti-Life Equation exists within his cybernetic body and that Darkseid intends to merge it with the half already in his possession. Darkseid summons the Black Racer, who is immediately restrained and has his essence extracted to keep Irwin alive during the procedure. In merging the Anti-Life Equation together it becomes corrupted, manifesting itself as a techno-organic virus which infects Darkseid, causing him to go into a psychotic rampage, kill the Black Racer and leap into the core of Apokolips. DeSaad attempts to stop the virus spread by sending Irwin back to Earth, but Darkseid unleashes the full power of his Omega Beams, obliterating the planet. Arriving in Metropolis, Irwin’s systems come back online, allowing the virus to jump onto the Internet. Hundreds of millions of people are infected instantly as the virus transmits visually from the screens of corrupted devices, transforming infected people within seconds into a feral zombie-esque state that attacks any uninfected in sight. Meanwhile, Ultraman is talking to Greg Universe (Mister Miracle) and Rose Quartz (Big Barda) when he begins hearing the anarchy erupting across the planet. Quickly realizing how the infection is spreading, Ultraman flies to his apartment where his wife, Flois Mane and his son, Ron Dent (Superboy) and Rupert (Damian Wayne) are watching television. Just before Flois is about to look at her phone, Ultraman destroys the devices with his heat vision, instructing everyone not to look at any screens. In his Dark Side, Midnight is observing the chaos consuming Goodnight City through backup analog systems.



The Dark Side’s computer informs him that 600 million people have been infected, and that it would only take the virus a few days to corrupt every device connected to the Internet. Upon discovering Redmond Manor is still connected to the Internet, Midnight activates an emergency EMP. He searches for Penford Dyme, Chris Kirkman and Harvey Beaks, discovering Dyme cornered by the latter two, who are infected. Midnight holds the two off in an effort to buy Dyme time to escape, but Midnight is bitten and infected. Elsewhere, Mermaid Man (Aquaman) is overwhelmed by a swarm of infected and both Lane Loud (the Joker) and Bugs Bunny (Hal Jordan) are infected from viewing corrupted screens. Bugs attacks Niceshot (Green Arrow) and Nazz (Black Canary). Nazz is forced to kill Bugs whilst defending Niceshot, unintentionally becoming Bugs’ successor in the Green Lantern Corps. Meanwhile, Cosmo from “Sonic X” (Poison Ivy) convinces Pinkie Pie (Harley Quinn) to break up with Lane. As Pinkie gives him the news, the infected Lane begins chasing her. Pinkie kills Lane with a shotgun, but is attacked by the infected Birds of Prey. Back in Metropolis, Ultraman takes Flois, Ron, and Harvey to the roof of the Daily Blabber and realizes that everyone inside is infected. At that moment, Ultraman hears Nazz’s cry and goes to retrieve the newly baptized Green Lantern and Niceshot. Upon returning, Harvey tells everyone that he finally got in contact with Midnight. Midnight explains to the group that the infected are not zombies, because they are not consumed by hunger. Referring to them as the "Anti-Living", Midnight states that they are "stealing" life and spreading death and that it is being caused by the Anti-Life Equation and he too has been infected.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
16d ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil

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