Eveline Sun

Shlurp...shlup...shlup... by @eggiechan (Eveline Sun)

Mmmm...monosodium glutamate-icious. The only bad thing about eating ramen is that my glasses get all fogged up...

22y352d ago
Other Work By @eggiechan

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 18 July, 2001 @ 01:34 AM

There's something ROTFL-funny about her expression, combined with the eating of the noodles.

I like chicken-flavored, myself. But then, I'm not big on shrimp.

Posted: Wednesday, 09 January, 2002 @ 07:08 PM

I know EXACTLY what you mean! The same with drinking hot chocolate and you breathe into it! (But now that I've got contacts it doesn't happen anymore^_^) The best thing to do with Ramen is find the longest noodles and have contests with your frinds to see who can slurp them the fastest!


Posted: Sunday, 07 December, 2003 @ 03:43 PM

Have u ever been sucking up a noodle, and ur just about done, but then it snaps up & hits u in the face? It hurts.

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