Jessica Hayes

The scariest thing
The scariest thing by @jesshaye (Jessica Hayes)

This still frightens us when we look at it. XD;; Er, yes, if you read my blog this is the Rachel-Time Squad thing. Basically, Kasey and I figured that our friend hated Time Squad 'coz she was taken by them and was abused in various FUNTACULAR ways. Yes.

The scariest thing is Larry swinging a rolling pin at cute li'l Rachel.

(And in the bottom right hand corner is supposed to be Rachel and Mr. Peabody, but I couldn't remember exactly how he looked, but you get the point.)

Mature (VO)
22y64d ago
Other Work By @jesshaye

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Sunday, 19 May, 2002 @ 12:07 PM

This is soooo funny and sooooo true! GEEZ I just noticed there are no Time Squad Fanfiction writers out there!!!! I'd write my own in a heart beat but my compooter(Spelt wrong on purpose because its a pooter)will no work cause its from the sickly messed up bowels of a shit covered hell!!!!!

Posted: Tuesday, 20 August, 2002 @ 02:20 AM

I spent the entire time looking through your gallery for that LarryxTuddy pic. XDD;; has a sad, sad life Or maybe just too much free time. X3

Your poor friend! Digging around for weaknesses in friends be fun, though...

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