Eric Broffel

Arden Shiruban
Arden Shiruban by @Eric_Broffel (Eric Broffel)

Zeil's best friend is the silver-haired guy that acts as leader of the Kendo Club. Now I know he looks kinda like a young Sephiroth. Along with shorther back hair. But despite his evil looks, he's just about the nicest guy you'll ever meet. He and Zeil duel a lot and it's usually Arden getting the upper hand. And it's also usually him who keeps Zeil under control when emotions get the best of him. Mostly his temper.

And it's surprising that he hasn't settled down and get himself a girlfriend. Even if he is one of the more popular guys in the school. Can you blame them? Or morely can you blame him? Artwork © Copyright 2003 Eric Broffel

Rough / Concept
21y241d ago
Other Work By @Eric_Broffel

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