Eric Broffel

Strange Candy Fanart
Strange Candy Fanart by @Eric_Broffel (Eric Broffel)

In case you don't know, Okashina Okashi or Strange Candy, is a favorite webcomic of mine. And I just let loose my imagination when I was drawing this picture featuring one of the girl characters from that comic, Eri-chan as she's called, with my character Zeil Kurenai. And strangely enough he's using the Cresent Moon Keyblade as well.

Believe it or not, this imagination creation makes sense in a few ways. It's just too long to explain. But I could try anyway. Zeil finds himself traveling to other different worlds and dimensions while trying to find his best friend Arden Shiruban and a way home. He starts with that particular Keyblade, the Cresent Moon. And eventually he ends up in the same dimension as Eri-chan and her group. And guess who he runs into first?

The picture was fun nevertheless. And now that I bothered inking and coloring, it actually looks a lot better.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Eric Broffel

Finished Work
21y234d ago
Other Work By @Eric_Broffel

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Sunday, 15 December, 2002 @ 12:49 AM

I like it ^^ cute...i read a couple of those comics...a while back ago. they are funny.

Posted: Sunday, 15 December, 2002 @ 03:51 AM

I LUFF this picture. The girl looks all trippy and blonde, and the guys like, "How the heck..?"

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