Megan Casey

Remember that angel guy?
Remember that angel guy? by @paradox (Megan Casey)

Well here he is again...completely shaded over in pencil, then a bit of colour was added to his skin and hair, (Hal Hair!), and I added the blood... Which looks rather odd because it's in marker.... But I still like it.His left wing (your right, his left) is broken, half of it snapped off, and the little things jutting out, covered in the blood are bones... I could've added blood that dripped to the ground below the wing and such, but... well, there's no ground anywhere's else, so meh... Blood spattered across his left side, even on the edge of his right wing a bit, and on his feet... hands covered in his own blood... Who tore the wing?

I used to do pictures with blood a lot before, when I couldn't even really draw very well... getting back into it, I guess, probably thanks to Lab Rat, whee!

Oh, and a note on the "Fallen From Grace" at the bottom... It was in a line of a song thing me and some people wrote, "Fallen Angel"... I just had some of the words and the tune running through my head today, even so it must be from last April or so... And I remembered my hal-hair angel-guy, and the idea sprung... whee. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Megan Casey

Teen (V)
Finished Work
21y313d ago
Other Work By @paradox

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