Laura Alexander

Famous Quotes and Force Perspective
Famous Quotes and Force Perspective by @jetbaby (Laura Alexander)

Wook wook! More art exp. Aallll over the place! Practicing drawing FEET and practicing force perspecive! I think i'll start doing it with simple figures like the random guy here before moving up. That sounds spiffy! Anyway, this pic is dedicated to Don cuz he told me to do it and I had planned on doing it anyway so I DID! Also to Z-cat cuz I stole his quote! Man, first I steal poses and now quotes. I'm quite the thief! Who will stop me!? Gahahahaaa! woosh Artwork © Copyright 2003 Laura Alexander

21y185d ago
Other Work By @jetbaby

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 08 January, 2003 @ 09:43 PM

Oh! Oh! Oh!! Is this Bradley's foot?! Is it his left foot?!! >D I still need his shoe...but I'd rather have his toe or foot.

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