Summer S

Raine Kyuuden
Raine Kyuuden by @summs (Summer S)

This is a newish character of mine, and her name is still pending as is her outfit/colors. ~_~

I guess I'm okay with how she looks and all .. I'm keeping the way her fur is colored and all, I just dunno about her outfit. Or her eyes. She's supposed to be a fox, but it doesn't look much like a fox, she looks like a wolf like everyone else ... sigh

Anyway .. in this pic her eyes were coloed with light blue then dark purple around the pupil, so it looks strange. I guess she has color changing eyes. :B

I don't like what was supposed to be a ball of energy by her hands .. I dunno how to do them in photoshop or especially with markers. Bah.

Her gloves are supposed to be black and pink and then white and pink .. she's like a mage, so she wears them to loosely represent black and white magic .. though she just likes to be weird too. Her fur is mysterious and such, nobody knows whether the purple on her face and hands is natural or got there some how, or whether the rest of the markings like the black tattoo-ish ones are unnatural or she was born like that. She won't say.

And also nobody knows what her hair is like .. she keeps it under that weird cap thing .. all they can tell is it seems to be a nice semi-dark aqua color from the bangs and the top, anyway.

Okay now that I've babbled on about this new character .. uh .. some of the detail was lost in scanning .. like the markings of her ears, it seems .. And the colors didn't scan too well .. at least the purple and her hair. Oh well. This waws a product of my new markers. Except the darkest gray-black color, and the colors of her outfit and daggers ... it was done with new markers. Yay me. >_> .... Meaning mostly just her arms and head are new markered. Hah. And fur. :/ ...... I'll shut up now ... not that anyone reads this.

Actually, also, she's basically this furre, one of the random ones, just with a different outfit and without the psycho doll. Though she'd still have it. :B I dunno, I liked her old outfit, I just think this one is a bit better, and I do like the markings on this one .. sorta. And I did get some of the outfit ideas from the orginal .. but like a lot of chars she changes from the first drawing, and that was the first. Heh. Anyway. >_>

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Summer S

Finished Work
21y330d ago
Other Work By @summs

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Monday, 19 August, 2002 @ 02:42 PM

.. !

That is super duper amazingly pretty, and she's beeeeautiful! I like her gloves, weee! And it's colourful, and bright, and flashy! Spiffy markings. :D

Masterpiece, as always. x]

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