Samantha Lynn

Devin Langstrom
Devin Langstrom by @Samantha_Lynn (Samantha Lynn)

Meet Devin - the main character of my first completley original story, entitled "Nowhere'sVille, PA". The story isn't finished yet, but I'm working on it - it's kind of a sci-fi mystery.

21 year-old Devin lives on her own in a town which has no name, basically because the entrance sign has been spray-painted so badly no one can read it anymore.

She's an artist working for an advirtisment company. But both her boss and his assistant are hiding something...a dangerous secret that threatens the lives of everyone in the town.

Devin is level-headed and keeps herself sane with constant sarcastic remarks about her situation.

I started writing this story in English class and never really intended to finish it, but I turned it into my Graduation Project instead. I'd been thinking about JTHM when I started, which is why Devin is named what she is, but there really are no other similarities besides that.

I drew this on Friday afternoon in my new sketchbook and was very happy with the way it turned out, mainly because i hadn't drawn Devin in a long time. And, just so you know, her mouth isn't open, that's her bottom lip (you know, kinda like that "Kim Possible" girl Disney's been hyping). I would've done both lips, but it didn't look right, so I left it like this. I hope you like her. ^_^ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Lynn

Rough / Concept
21y293d ago
Other Work By @Samantha_Lynn

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