Samantha Lynn

Bringing Snacks!! ^_^
Bringing Snacks!! ^_^ by @Samantha_Lynn (Samantha Lynn)

Hehehehehe! This is one of my all-time favorite pics!! ^_^

I love the "Father of the Bride" movies, and in the second one, both mom and daughter are pregnent at the same time. Of course, with Irkens, there aren't any mother-daughter relationships, so this works.

Obviously, it's Lali and Zaxi, each a few days away from laying their eggs, with their mates in the background. As you can tell, the girls cravings have been kind of extreme, judging by how much stuff the Tallest are carrying. And Purple, always the clutz, manages to fall, sending cheese curls everywhere.


I'm sorry...that just really amuses me. And you have to wonder, how can you trip if you're floating? Oh well, if anyone could figure out how, it would be Purple.

I hope you guys like this one as much as I do!! Enjoy!! ^_^ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Lynn

Finished Work
21y296d ago
Other Work By @Samantha_Lynn

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Thursday, 05 September, 2002 @ 10:46 PM

Poor purply...too bad he's so clumsy! ^_^;

Lol, I love it! Soooo cute! Now you make me want to see this "father of the bride" picture you are speaking of! God! Its all your fault! All of your fault you...you...INFLUENCE!!!! Wait...are those good or bad? LOL, Anyway, the picture is great. I love Red's expression! XD just great...

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