Nichol Stout

Shonen Litibain God
Shonen Litibain God by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

This is Shonen, a god on the planet Futrainia. The most respected and wise of them all. I had one other pic of him.. his fur wasnt all white though. But he is basicly a white lion, gold highlights. I think he looks cooler this way. Oh and this was brought to my attention. I dont make your avrage every day "God" My boyfriend told me that when you hear "God" you think all mighty being who sits on a throne and is very proper. Not my gods. They bicker and complain and live the lifes of mortals at times.

Shonen got out of a very bad situation, and yes, my gods bleed! They cant die unless .... we wont get into that. Any ways, this is a char i made for my friend David some long time ago, he accually drew the first sketch of it.. but he wanted to be in the story, which is now dead... so Shonen now lives in "Planet of Hope." And for those of you who dont know "Shonen" means "monkey" in Japanese. Heh, David is weird... dont know why he would want a lion's name to be monkey. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nichol Stout

Finished Work
21y219d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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