Nichol Stout

Death of Vego
Death of Vego by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

Wow... old picy. Maybe done in the year 2000, im unsure.. i really didnt put a date on my stuff for awhile. This comes from my comic book series "Futrainia" Chrvu the black panter with the white stripes and dragon wings, comforting his neice, Kovanna after her fathers death, you can kinda see her in there kinda.. more so she is upset cause she watched her father get murdered.. Thats why she turned out to be one tough lil gal as she grew older... not good art im afraid. Nicoma gently nudges at the white tiger that was her mate, now laying dead on the ground. I really should draw this again, make it look better... or somebody else can just to save me the time... i dont care.... so long as they tell me before they do it. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nichol Stout

Rough / Concept
21y219d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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