Ooooooooh, I likey. ^_^ He looks awesomley sweet in this stuff! (LOl, kinda reminds me of what my character would look like if she took out all her gadgets at once. XD)
Technological Sonic by @jesspadk (Jessica Padkin)
It's the very fantastic Sonic the Hedgehog, in a fancy hemlet and what-have-you. The idea was that he'd turned traitor and joined Robotnik or something-- mwahahahaha! I had an idea for am STC-ish fanfic. Maybe Sonic could visit another dimension (okay, THAT'S a bit sad...) and find an alternative version of himself who was friends with Dr Kintobor as usual, but stayed as his assistant even after he'd turn evil. Maybe Sonic (the real one) could start wondering about whether he made the right decision, seeing as at least there's no fighting in this world...
Er, sorry about all that pointless rubbish. Anyway, I actually really like this picture, I can't even understand why nobody else does!
Finished Work
22y350d ago
wow this is really nice ^_^ i like how you did the helment its spiffy and neat