Daisy le Toast

Chester's weird.
Chester's weird. by @small_frosted_creature (Daisy le Toast)

I have no idea what put this into my head, but i've been wanting to draw it for awhile now. I'm not really sure why. I guess because Tallest slash is funny. :3

I call Red Stan and Purple Chester, because Stan and Chester are funnier names than Red and Purple. It also kind of reminds me of like, Laurel and Hardy or something... whatever. I'm weird. Yay.

I'm also not sure why they're not wearing their little armor things. Well, that's a lie. I didn't want to draw those because it would have obscured Chester's little leg action there, and i liked the way i drew his shoulders so much i didn't want to cover them up. So i guess this is pajama-time or something. Hence the towel.

AND I FORGOT THEIR PAKS AGAIN, DARNIT! Oh well. They look better without them, anyway. ¬.¬

Teen (S)
Rough / Concept
19y276d ago
Other Work By @small_frosted_creature

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Friday, 03 September, 2004 @ 04:06 PM

That is Kool-Aid XD great job =/ you should add some color =D goodluck on all your next art thingys XP

Posted: Friday, 03 September, 2004 @ 09:37 PM

AAAAAAAAAH!!!!! ::Sheilds eyes:: >_<; Well, really nice art, and it IS pretty funny, I just find the whole, Red + Purple thing heavily disturbing...

Posted: Friday, 03 September, 2004 @ 10:16 PM

Well, it doesn't HAVE to be slashy; you could interpret it as Pur just being bizarre... Heh, Red doesn't look too excited about it anyway, so i doubt it's going anywhere after this scene. Except maybe a toothbrush in the eye. Aww, man, i should've given him a toothbrush. O.<

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