bleed man

Powerpuff Girls
Powerpuff Girls by @bleedman (bleed man)

This is an early version of the powerpuff girls I made about 3 years ago, included are the bad guys that I never gave much attention. you may notice the style have change if you compare it with the previous one...

Finished Work
20y138d ago
Other Work By @bleedman

Comments & Critiques (8)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 20 January, 2004 @ 08:02 PM

cool i love bubbles and princess also butercup dosent look to bad!i love blossom to!

Posted: Tuesday, 20 January, 2004 @ 08:08 PM

this image pretty much sums up why you are in my museum.

Posted: Tuesday, 20 January, 2004 @ 08:23 PM

Great to hear from ya guys, just wonderin have you guys been online on side 7 this whole time or somethin ? I just uploaded this a few minutes ago and well ...umm I already got this much comment "blush" :) Appreciate it lot...

Posted: Tuesday, 20 January, 2004 @ 08:31 PM

Dude I love it! With proper contracting you could get alot of money by making this comic! I say you make a practice issue, self approve it and send it into cartoon network if you find the right place to mail it into! I'd love to see it as a comic! I love that mojo-jo-jo! And Him is scoffs at the word he hates pimpin'! Fuzzy is tight too but I prefer Mojo over them all!Princess rocks too, perfect portrayal! Yup the PPGs do looks different but hey, still great! Like I said, this could make BIG bucks with this! Oh whats your email gingerbleed@yahoo or the VinsonNgo one? I need to email you something!

Posted: Wednesday, 21 January, 2004 @ 12:01 AM

gingerbleed@yahoo is fine, it's my personal address. If you reallly are anxious to see the comic you can see it at http://www12.brinkster.com/bleedman/home.htm (my personal homepage) The comic was already made a couple of years ago, just a fan comic I made due to demands.It's only issue 1 though. Check it out hope you enjoy :)

Posted: Tuesday, 20 January, 2004 @ 09:56 PM

This is awesome. Unfortunatly, because of your picture, I can no longer hear. My little sister, who is the biggest fan of the PPGs that I know, just screamed in my ear, almost causing me to break my laptop in my scramble away from afore-mentioned sister. .....er.....^^;; don't mind me. I love Bubbles, she's so cute. Him looks so awesome, and Princess looks really evil. You should really send this to Cartoon Network or something. They'd probably start up PPG: The Anime because of you!! WOuldn't you feel special? You already are. ^^

Posted: Tuesday, 20 January, 2004 @ 11:56 PM

I think you're probably the 30th person to suggest that I send this to Cartoon network, a lot of my friends commented on this too. But I rather enjoy sharing it with other artist like us in hopes to inspire them and you guys as well... sorry about your little sister I did'nt think anyone would react that loud over a little fanart. :) Thanks.

Posted: Saturday, 07 February, 2004 @ 11:13 PM

cool. have you ever heard of Invader ZIM? you can go to barfsnick.com see pictures, learn about the show, and draw it




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